Windows 95 Mobile 1.1

Run a full retail version of Windows 95 on your Pocket PC or Smartphone, without flashing the firmware.

Note for devices with screens less than VGA (QVGA, WQVGA, Etc.):
Download Nyidot Virtual Display (in the download section).
Install it.
Open Settings > System > Virtual Display.
Change Width to 480, Height to 640.
Change Orientation to one of the landscape modes.
Soft Reset and continue with the instructions below.


For standard install:
1. Open the EXE and follow the install instructions.
2. Open Settings > Personal > Buttons and map a button on your phone for '

For alternate install (to Strorage Card):
1. Make sure your Storage Card has at least 100mb of free space.
2. Extract the '' file. Copy the BIN file inside to the root of your Storage Card.
3. Open the EXE and follow the install instructions.
4. After the install is done, find out the name of your memory card (it could be Storage Card, SD Card, CF Slot, etc.)
5. Open the file 'boschrc.txt' in the root of your device with Word Mobile. Click Menu > Edit > Find/Replace.
6. Click 'Replace...'. In the first box type 'Storage Card'. In the other type the name of your card (the one that you found out earlier).
7. Save the file. Make sure you choose to keep the current format. Do NOT save it as a word document.
8. Open Settings > Personal > Buttons and map a button on your phone for '

Use After Installation
- If you did an alternate install, insert your Memory Card.
- Click Start > Programs > Windows 95.
- Give the app a minute to start up. If you get a message that there is not enough memory, free up as much as you can.
- Eventualy, you will see the Windows 95 boot screen. You can make the app go fullscreen by pressing the 'Fn' button on VGAKey and pressing one of the 'F' keys (not sure which one).
- You might have to run 'ScanDisk' the first time you start. Let it quickly scan your PDA.
- In fullscreen mode, press the button theat you assigned to bring up the keyboard.
- The mouse might not work properly on your device. Use the arrow buttons on your PDA to move it, or try draging the cursor instead of tapping. Remember, Windows 95 was never programmed for touch screens.
Press F12 on VGAKEY for fullscreen, F5 For Mouse.

DOWNLOAD FROM HERE Copy to device and run.

Alternate (Storage Card):
Part 1:
Part 2:

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