Rotation and High Resolution
1. Change Your sys.txt content (backup your old one) with I gave below, (your sys.txt should be only 6 lines below, delete all other lines.)
2. Check inside the ui_igo folder in SDCard/iGO8/ if there is 480_800, 800_480, 240_400, 400_240 folders inside it. (There must be ;-) ) If not you should find one that I recommend
3. Install iGO8 normally (with 2577/Autorun.exe), make your local configurations etc. and exit iGO8.
4. Add the lines I gave below into SDCARD/iGO8/save/system.ini
5. Start iGO8 again, if the screen is not clipped, you can change from portrait to landscape. I tried it and succeed.
So my sys.txt is: (6 lines below)
[folders] app="%SDCARD%/iGO8" [interface] maxzoom2d=6000000 show_exit=1
Lines to add in iGO8/save/system.ini
[rawdisplay] class="portrait" autoconfig="1" driver="gdi" highres="0"
Note: app="%SDCARD%/iGO8" this line should be modified for the devices that are not WWE. This line is for WWE ROM. %SDCARD% name should be changed for other languages.
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