FingerTouch PRO v2.1

For the PocketPC devices, the data input is often a real problem for the user. To try to write a big email on that tiny keyboard is not a very pleasant experience. We've tried to bring a new innovative solution to bypass some of these problems. We've designed a new kind of Software Keyboard, that we've called FingerTouch because it allows you to truly use your fingers while typing, and the good thing is that the screen and the text still remains visible.

Fingertouch Professional is by FAR the best keyboard released for the Pocket PC platform. Big, finger friendly keys, fT9 technology, UltraKeyboard technology, predictive keyboard, multiple languages, drag-and-drop configurable keyboard, gestures, skins, magnifier, are just a few to provide an insight into the thought and research that went into developing this program. Entering text on your Pocket PC has never been this fast!

Features list:
  • Fingertouch PRO comes with 5 layouts, meaning you have 5 keyboards in 1: classic keyboard, smart keyboard (predictable), phone keyboard (phone-like), calculator/numeric keyboard and the successful big keyboard (predictable).
  • Fast text input with our patented technologies:
  • Embedded fT9 Technology, this is the Teksoft Patented, T9 like technology included in Fingertouch Professional
  • Embedded UltraKeyboard Technology, for assigning various actions to text commands (triggers)
  • Configurable layout, including keyboard Skin, text font, size and color
  • Drag and drop on keyboard for changing the keyboard size, or for customizing the position of the keys
  • Magnifier, that can help you better see the keys you are pressing
  • Configurable fT9 parameters, for easy use including finger easy interface
  • Gestures, you can slide over your keyboard to send Backspace, space, Enter or upper case letters to your documents
  • Ultrakeyboard advanced configuration panel for defining your custom action and triggers.
  • WM4.0, WM5.0, WM6.0 and even WM6.1 compatible!
  • Works with various screen heights, square, qvga, vga, etc
  • It supports 96x96DPI and 128x128DPI. TrueVGA compatible
  • Can be installed on SDCard to save storage space

    DOWNLOAD FROM HERE if it asks, enter any keys

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