CommMgrPro - Save battery life

Control your PDA Phone Edition with profiles automatically selected depending on your current location(Phone Cell / LAC), current time and calendar appointments.
Includes a complete call phone/SMS/Mail proxy-manager that allows you to
  • Create groups of people using outlook contacts, phone numbers and emails with willcards, special groups (hidden numbers, etc).
  • Depending of the caller, your position(profile), weekday and time CMP can:
    • Hang or mute the call.
    • Reply to the caller with an SMS that allows expresions, like "caller", "time", "phone-number" and much more
    • Reply with an SMS only if you dont answer the call.
    • Instant and delayed notifications to remind you about it
  • Depending of the SMS/Mail writter, your position(profile), weekday and time CMP can:
    • Reply the message, allowing expressions to create a totally personalized message
    • Delete or/and mute it.
    • Forward the message to other address
    • Instant and delayed notifications to remind you about it
  • In any moment you can check a complete incoming call/sms/mail log history, showing if CMP did some action with each item and allowing to begin a phone call or see the inboxTotal integration with Windows Calendar Program with two features
    • Define general rules like "If the current calendar appointment contains the word 'meeting' or 'cinema' then activate the profile 'Silence'.
    • CommMgrPro adds a new menu item on the Windows Calendar Program that allows to attach a CMP profile to a specific appointment using the Pocket Calendar program.
    Manage all the peripherals (BT, Wifi, band, etc) of your PDA in a unified way and much more powerfull than CommMgr of Windows Mobile.
    Monitory graphically the evolution of the battery and the current drain with different scales, export to pictures, etc.
    Upload the location changes of your devices in real time using GSM and/or GPS as location system to any web server.
    Track the location of your friends, family or workers using tracking tool integrated with google maps or create a new one uploading the events to your web server.
    Dual boot. Run CMP as a Windows Service or as a process

  • Take full control over:
    • Connections.
      • Enable and Disable connections.
      • Stablish and close connections.
    • Band.
      • Switch between GPRS, UMTS and auto modes. You can set a time limit (in minutes) so the program will switch back automatically to GPRS when the period expires.
    • WIFI.
      • Turn on / Turn off Wifi.
    • Bluetooth.
      • Switch between modes (Off, Connectable and discoverable)
      • Turn on/off BT automatically on incomming call
    • Phone.
      • Switch between Flight mode and On mode.
    • Speaker. Switch between Normal, Mute and Vibrate modes.
  • Manage all the functions and submenus using stylus, finger or jog-dial
  • Let the program to close automatically iddle connections. The program will close any connection that hasnt data traffic in X seconds.
  • The program includes a Today Plugin where you can check the current state of the device very quickly
    Based on your location (GSM Cell ID) you can:
  • Create profiles (Home, work, ...) and assign cells to them.
  • Create time frames for those profiles (day, night...).
  • Execute actions automatically when you enter or exits any LAC, profile or profile-timeframe:
    • Set the state of your connections, band, wifi, bluetooth, phone and speaker,...
    • Play sounds, songs and open files(programs, scripts, documents, etc)
    • Close programs
    • Activate or deactivate call forwarding
    • Activate or deactivate "Allow Incomming beam" option
    • Set CPU mode or turn on/off screen
    • Send sms and emails.
    • Enable or disable connections.
    • Select today themes (tsk)
    • Select screen light level (tsk)
    • ...and much more.


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