Inesoft Phone (Address Book) v7.0.5

Address Book - the most convenient way to keep contacts on the Pocket PC and Windows Mobile.
Among the unique advantages Address Book is possible to create any number of additional fields for phone numbers, e-mail, IM, dates and addresses.
If you touch a search function it is almost instantly and will find the search string even if it is written in a note.
Smartphone owners find convenient to assume the function of Caller ID, which identifies the name and photo caller and lets you set various modes such as "Vibrate," "Quiet" or melody for each contact and category.
Inter alia in the Address Book and Today Screen built ABC Bar T9 for a quick search, which can be customized for any language. A new system for creating and editing contacts makes the program convenient and irreplaceable in daily life.


Inesoft Phone 7
Introducing a new version of Inesoft Phone 7! Being the most full-featured phone manager for Windows Mobile (there are no analogues for the iPhone or Android) for several years, now it has become even faster and easier. Profile management, temporary or permanent blocking unwanted calls. Integrating SMS and unlimited call history. Besides Inesoft Phone account the unique characteristics of each device and uses them. Test the new version with over 30 th improvements with respect to version 6.

Main features:
* Compatible with Windows Mobile 6.5.3;
* Support for all screens including 320x480;
* Increase download speeds up to 300%;
* Grade dialer with big buttons;
* Image of a contact in the dialer;
* Full address book;
* Ringtones for calls and SMS;
* History of calls and SMS to 5000 calls;
* Profiles on schedule;
* Volume control, WiFi, Bluetooth,
GPRS and backlight.
* Search through all fields in the contacts;
* Arbitrary names;
* Favorite phones one touch;
* Blacklists;
* Protect your screen from accidental clicks;
* Reminder of missed calls and SMS;
* Fully compatible with Microsoft Outlook;
and more than 30 new features and improvements.

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